The History of [SEDA]
Dr. David Katz of Salem, MA (left) discusses a point with speaker Dr. Troy Schmedding at SEDA's 11/1/24 meeting
Kettenbach representative David Cox enjoys lunch with Dr. Katz at that same 11/1/24 meeting.
Dr. Sam Lemeris of Exeter, NH discusses a point with speaker Dr. Susan McMahon at SEDA's 5/3/2024 meeting
From left to right: Drs. David Katz of Salem, MA with Neil Hiltunen of
North Hampton, NH and Jason Marhue of York, ME enjoy lunch together at SEDA's 5/3/2024 meeting.
North Hampton, NH and Jason Marhue of York, ME enjoy lunch together at SEDA's 5/3/2024 meeting.
Dr. Lynette Nyberg of Dover, NH discusses a point with SEDA speaker David Avery, CDT at SEDA's 11/3/2023 meeting.
Drs. Jim Fishbein of Portsmouth, NH (left) and David Ness of
Somersworth, NH enjoy lunch together at that same 10/6/2023 SEDA meeting.
From left to right Drs. Jim Fishbein of Portsmouth, NH, Bart McGirl of Hampton, NH and
Dean Kimball of Somersworth, NH enjoy lunch together at that same 10/6/2023 meeting.
Dean Kimball of Somersworth, NH enjoy lunch together at that same 10/6/2023 meeting.
Drs. Sam Lemeris of Exeter, NH and Manijeh Best of Falmouth, ME enjoy lunch together at that same 10/6/2023 SEDA meeting.
The following documents [SEDA]'s genesis.
6/1/2000 ~ SEDA is Founded
Much is being made these days of the new materials and methods available for dentists to enhance the appearance of their patients. We see them come across our desks in anything from the JADA to tabloids put out by some of the national crown & bridge laboratories. These procedures can range from something as simple as take-home, nightguard vital bleaching to complete esthetic zone transformations with indirect restorations and everything in between.
Our patients are now beginning to ask us about this process as well. The Boomers, now in the midst of their top income producing years, have expectations of middle age quite different from those of our parents. They aspire to a healthy, youthful appearance well beyond the age that was once considered young. A significant part of this quest for an enduring youth is a person's smile. Just how we provide our patients with these much sought after smiles can be a difficult decision to make. Many of the materials promoted to us are rushed to market with extravagant claims and precious little clinical testing. Journal articles that are followed on the next page by advertisements for one of the materials featured in the piece may leave us skeptical. Fads abound and can make this field seem quite overwhelming.
With these challenges in mind, there would seem to be a need for a forum in which we all could discover more about this emerging area of dental practice. One in which we can learn from each other as well as visiting clinicians, separate fact from fiction and become more comfortable with an aspect of dentistry that will inevitably grow more important in all our practices. To this end, we ask that you fill out the enclosed postage paid card and return it before the first of July so that we can gauge the level of support for such a study group here on the seacoast. If we find that there is indeed a desire for this kind of exchange among the members of our seacoast dental community, we will announce further details concerning the organization of this group. We hope to start with an initial structural meeting early this fall and then to conduct four or five meetings on an annual basis in the Portsmouth area. Membership will be open to all dentists and we apologize to anyone who may have been inadvertently overlooked by this mailing.
We look forward to hearing from you.
Lisa B. Schulman, DDS
Barry F. McArdle, DMD
PS: If you are aware of someone who did not receive this and might be interested in our idea, please have him or her call either one of us.
Dear Colleagues,
Your responses to our initial survey letter have been overwhelmingly positive and so we have set a date for the first [SEDA] meeting. It will be held on Thursday, September 28, at Fleet Bank's 848 Islington Street location in Portsmouth starting at 6:30 PM. Thursday was selected by the greatest number of respondents as the most convenient weekday evening to attend such meetings. This Fleet Bank branch is located next to Rite Aid in the parking lot of Islington Street's Plaza 800 in front of the Pic-N-Pay supermarket. [SEDA]'s first meeting will be organizational in nature and such issues as dues, meetings format, number of meetings per year and continuing education credits will be discussed. We will also announce the meeting dates for the rest of [SEDA]'s inaugural season with a tentative schedule of topics and speakers. The meeting will be held in one of the bank's second floor conference rooms accessible through the ground floor's far right entrance. Light refreshments will be served. Please RSVP to the office of Dr. Lisa Schulman no later than Thursday, August 31, to indicate your planned attendance. Those doctors who have responded to our survey letter affirmatively, but will be unable to attend this initial meeting, will be sent a written summary of the consensus positions achieved at the meeting. We wish to thank all those doctors and laboratory technicians who responded to our survey letter and we hope to see all those who support this idea at the first meeting.
Lisa B. Schulman, DDS
Barry F. McArdle, DMD
October/November 2000
Seacoast Esthetic Dentistry Association
The Seacoast Esthetic Dentistry Association [SEDA] was formed this past August by Dr. Lisa Schulman and Dr. Barry McArdle in Portsmouth to promote the inclusion of dental esthetics into general practice. The aim of this group is, as its introductory letter to southeast component dentists stated, to ... "learn from each other as well as visiting clinicians, separate fact from fiction and become more comfortable with an aspect of dentistry that will inevitably grow more important in all our practices." The group will hold four meetings each year in the Portsmouth area. Guest lecturers in [SEDA]'s inaugural season beginning this fall will include Dr. Gerard Kugel. Continuing education credits for state licensure and the AGD will be available to all attendees. Originally envisioned as serving dentists from New Hampshire's seacoast area, the group invites any dentist interested in this subject matter to join. For more details, please contact Dr. Schulman or Dr. McArdle.
From the October/November 2000 issue of THE GRANITE STATE DENTIST.
Seacoast Esthetic Dentistry Association
We wish to thank those doctors and laboratory representatives who attended our initial structural meeting on September 28th. At that meeting it was agreed that there would be four SEDA meetings held each season on the first Thursdays of October, November, April and May. This will keep the meetings from interfering with anyone's holiday plans and should, with any luck, keep us out of the way of any inclement weather as well. Because of calendar logistics and other considerations, this season's slate will vary somewhat from that schedule and can be found listed on the reverse side of this letter. We are excited about this line-up and we hope that you will find it of value. It was also agreed at the first meeting that yearly dues for [SEDA] would be $75.00 to cover our venue (The Schoolhouse Restaurant in Portsmouth), the buffet and to compensate guest speakers who appear before us. Any speaker whose appearance is sponsored by a supplier or manufacturer will be announced as such. There will be a cash bar at the meetings. We announced that there would be AGD and relicensure continuing education credit issued for those members attending meetings at the rate of 3.0 hours per meeting. This means that members attending all meetings can expect to receive 12.0 hours of AGD and NH state dental board approved CE credits each season. Meetings will run from 6:00 PM to 9:00 PM. We ask that you fill out the membership registration form found underneath this season's schedule and return it with your dues prior to the next meeting on November 2nd. Those offices with multiple doctors registering can do so on this single form with either a single or multiple checks, as you may prefer. You will find postage paid, return addressed envelopes enclosed for your convenience to this end. Canceled checks will serve as your receipt, so please enter the appropriate memos on them. Only those who have sent in their dues in advance each season, including this one, will be able to attend the meetings so please tend to this matter promptly. Payment must be received from all those who wish to attend the next meeting by November 1st. If you have questions about any aspect of [SEDA], please call either one of us. If you know of anyone we have overlooked with our mailings who may be interested in membership, please let us know. Otherwise, we look forward to seeing you on November 2nd.
Lisa B. Schulman, DDS
Barry F. McArdle, DMD
Much is being made these days of the new materials and methods available for dentists to enhance the appearance of their patients. We see them come across our desks in anything from the JADA to tabloids put out by some of the national crown & bridge laboratories. These procedures can range from something as simple as take-home, nightguard vital bleaching to complete esthetic zone transformations with indirect restorations and everything in between.
Our patients are now beginning to ask us about this process as well. The Boomers, now in the midst of their top income producing years, have expectations of middle age quite different from those of our parents. They aspire to a healthy, youthful appearance well beyond the age that was once considered young. A significant part of this quest for an enduring youth is a person's smile. Just how we provide our patients with these much sought after smiles can be a difficult decision to make. Many of the materials promoted to us are rushed to market with extravagant claims and precious little clinical testing. Journal articles that are followed on the next page by advertisements for one of the materials featured in the piece may leave us skeptical. Fads abound and can make this field seem quite overwhelming.
With these challenges in mind, there would seem to be a need for a forum in which we all could discover more about this emerging area of dental practice. One in which we can learn from each other as well as visiting clinicians, separate fact from fiction and become more comfortable with an aspect of dentistry that will inevitably grow more important in all our practices. To this end, we ask that you fill out the enclosed postage paid card and return it before the first of July so that we can gauge the level of support for such a study group here on the seacoast. If we find that there is indeed a desire for this kind of exchange among the members of our seacoast dental community, we will announce further details concerning the organization of this group. We hope to start with an initial structural meeting early this fall and then to conduct four or five meetings on an annual basis in the Portsmouth area. Membership will be open to all dentists and we apologize to anyone who may have been inadvertently overlooked by this mailing.
We look forward to hearing from you.
Lisa B. Schulman, DDS
Barry F. McArdle, DMD
PS: If you are aware of someone who did not receive this and might be interested in our idea, please have him or her call either one of us.
Dear Colleagues,
Your responses to our initial survey letter have been overwhelmingly positive and so we have set a date for the first [SEDA] meeting. It will be held on Thursday, September 28, at Fleet Bank's 848 Islington Street location in Portsmouth starting at 6:30 PM. Thursday was selected by the greatest number of respondents as the most convenient weekday evening to attend such meetings. This Fleet Bank branch is located next to Rite Aid in the parking lot of Islington Street's Plaza 800 in front of the Pic-N-Pay supermarket. [SEDA]'s first meeting will be organizational in nature and such issues as dues, meetings format, number of meetings per year and continuing education credits will be discussed. We will also announce the meeting dates for the rest of [SEDA]'s inaugural season with a tentative schedule of topics and speakers. The meeting will be held in one of the bank's second floor conference rooms accessible through the ground floor's far right entrance. Light refreshments will be served. Please RSVP to the office of Dr. Lisa Schulman no later than Thursday, August 31, to indicate your planned attendance. Those doctors who have responded to our survey letter affirmatively, but will be unable to attend this initial meeting, will be sent a written summary of the consensus positions achieved at the meeting. We wish to thank all those doctors and laboratory technicians who responded to our survey letter and we hope to see all those who support this idea at the first meeting.
Lisa B. Schulman, DDS
Barry F. McArdle, DMD
October/November 2000
Seacoast Esthetic Dentistry Association
The Seacoast Esthetic Dentistry Association [SEDA] was formed this past August by Dr. Lisa Schulman and Dr. Barry McArdle in Portsmouth to promote the inclusion of dental esthetics into general practice. The aim of this group is, as its introductory letter to southeast component dentists stated, to ... "learn from each other as well as visiting clinicians, separate fact from fiction and become more comfortable with an aspect of dentistry that will inevitably grow more important in all our practices." The group will hold four meetings each year in the Portsmouth area. Guest lecturers in [SEDA]'s inaugural season beginning this fall will include Dr. Gerard Kugel. Continuing education credits for state licensure and the AGD will be available to all attendees. Originally envisioned as serving dentists from New Hampshire's seacoast area, the group invites any dentist interested in this subject matter to join. For more details, please contact Dr. Schulman or Dr. McArdle.
From the October/November 2000 issue of THE GRANITE STATE DENTIST.
Seacoast Esthetic Dentistry Association
We wish to thank those doctors and laboratory representatives who attended our initial structural meeting on September 28th. At that meeting it was agreed that there would be four SEDA meetings held each season on the first Thursdays of October, November, April and May. This will keep the meetings from interfering with anyone's holiday plans and should, with any luck, keep us out of the way of any inclement weather as well. Because of calendar logistics and other considerations, this season's slate will vary somewhat from that schedule and can be found listed on the reverse side of this letter. We are excited about this line-up and we hope that you will find it of value. It was also agreed at the first meeting that yearly dues for [SEDA] would be $75.00 to cover our venue (The Schoolhouse Restaurant in Portsmouth), the buffet and to compensate guest speakers who appear before us. Any speaker whose appearance is sponsored by a supplier or manufacturer will be announced as such. There will be a cash bar at the meetings. We announced that there would be AGD and relicensure continuing education credit issued for those members attending meetings at the rate of 3.0 hours per meeting. This means that members attending all meetings can expect to receive 12.0 hours of AGD and NH state dental board approved CE credits each season. Meetings will run from 6:00 PM to 9:00 PM. We ask that you fill out the membership registration form found underneath this season's schedule and return it with your dues prior to the next meeting on November 2nd. Those offices with multiple doctors registering can do so on this single form with either a single or multiple checks, as you may prefer. You will find postage paid, return addressed envelopes enclosed for your convenience to this end. Canceled checks will serve as your receipt, so please enter the appropriate memos on them. Only those who have sent in their dues in advance each season, including this one, will be able to attend the meetings so please tend to this matter promptly. Payment must be received from all those who wish to attend the next meeting by November 1st. If you have questions about any aspect of [SEDA], please call either one of us. If you know of anyone we have overlooked with our mailings who may be interested in membership, please let us know. Otherwise, we look forward to seeing you on November 2nd.
Lisa B. Schulman, DDS
Barry F. McArdle, DMD
Previous Seasons Schedules
2000/2001: (All meetings were held on Thursday evenings for 3.0 CEUs each.)
11/2/2000: School House Restaurant, Portsmouth, NH - Mr. Jeff Blair (sds Kerr)
"Composite Bonding".
3/1/2001: School House Restaurant, Portsmouth, NH - Len Gordon, CDT (Bangor Dental Lab)
"Lab Considerations".
4/5/2001: School House Restaurant, Portsmouth, NH - Dr. Gerard Kugel (Tufts University)
"Esthetic Dental Materials".
5/3/2001: Holiday Inn, Portsmouth, NH - Tom Briley,CDT (Universal Dental Lab, Malden, MA)
"Implant Esthetics".
2001/2002: (All meetings were held on Thursday evenings for 3.0 CEUs each.)
10/4/2001: Holiday Inn, Portsmouth, NH - Dr. Mars J. Lans (EastFlex Corporation)
"The Monodont Bridge".
11/1/2001: Holiday Inn, Portsmouth, NH -Dr. Julian Osorio (Atlantis Components, Inc.)
"Anterior Implant Esthetics Through Custom Abutments".
4/4/2002: Holiday Inn, Portsmouth, NH - Dr. Geri Hunter (private practice, Portsmouth, NH)
"Orthodontics and Esthetics".
5/2/2002: Holiday Inn, Portsmouth, NH - Dr. Gerard Kugel (Tufts University)
"Materials for Esthetic Dentistry".
2002/2003: (The first and third meetings of this season were held on Fridays for 8.0 CEUs each and the second and forth meetings of this season were held on Thursday evenings for 3.0 CEUs each.)
10/4/2002: Holiday Inn, Portsmouth, NH - Dr. Dick Barnes (Arrowhead Dental Lab)
"Creating The Successful Cosmetic Practice".
11/7/2002: Holiday Inn, Portsmouth, NH - Mr. Scott Kertenis (Dexis Corporation)
"Digital Radiography In Dental Practice".
4/4/2003: Holiday Inn, Portsmouth, NH - Renee Marks, RDH (Dentsply Professional)
"Air Polish & Ultrasonic Stain Removal".
5/1/2003: Holiday Inn, Portsmouth, NH - DR. David Bardwell (visiting faculty - Tufts University)
"Current Trends In Whitening".
2003/2004: (The first, second and fourth meetings of this season were held on Fridays for 8.0 CEUs each and the third meeting of this season was held on a Thursday evening for 3.0 CEUs.) All meetings were held at the Holiday Inn, Portsmouth, NH.
10/3/2003: Dr. Marty Goldstein (Contributing Editor - DENTISTRY TODAY)
"Digital Photography In Your Dental Practice".
11/7/2003: Dr. Dick Barnes (Arrowhead Dental Lab - Sandy, Utah)
"Creating The Successful Cosmetic Practice II".
4/1/2004: Peter Green et al (3M/ESPE) "The LAVA Metal-Free Restorative System".
5/7/2004: Dr. Bruce Small (contributing editor to the AGD's General Dentistry)
"Exceptional Esthetic Restorative Dentistry".
2004/2005: (The first, second and fourth meetings of this season were held on Fridays for 8.0 CEUs each and the third meeting of this season was held on a Thursday evening for 3.0 CEUs.) All meetings were held at the Holiday Inn, Portsmouth, NH.
10/1/2004: Dr. Michael DiTolla (Clinical Director - Glidewell Laboratories)
"Creating Value For Comprehensive Esthetics".
11/5/2004: Ms. Jo Ann Pulver (Owner - The Sapphire Group)
"World Class Case Presentation Skills".
4/7/2005: Dr. Barry F. McArdle (co-founder - Seacoast Esthetic Dentistry Association)
"State of The Art Shade Matching".
5/13 & 14/2005: Dr. Edward McLaren (director - UCLA Center For Aesthetic Dentistry)
"Esthetics - Implant & More".
2005/2006: (The first and third meetings of this season were held on Fridays for 8.0 CEUs each and the second meeting of this season was held on a Thursday evening for 3.0 CEUs. The fourth meeting was held on a Saturday for 8.0 CEUs.) All meetings were held at the Holiday Inn, Portsmouth, NH.
10/14/2005: Dr. Jim McKee (visiting faculty member, The Dawson Center)
"Occlusion And Esthetics".
11/3/2005: Dr. Lisa Schulman (co-founder, Seacoast Esthetic Dentistry Association)
"Custom Cosmetic Imaging".
4/7/2006: Dr. Rodrigo Escalante (Private Practice, Acapulco, Mexico)
“Soft Tissue Enhancements For Outstanding Crown And Bridge Aesthetics".
5/6/2006: Dr. John Cranham (visiting faculty member, The Dawson Center)
"Predictable Aesthetic Excellence".
2006/2007: (The first, second and fourth meetings of this season were held on Fridays for 8.0 CEUs each and the third meeting of this season was held on a Thursday evening for 3.0 CEUs.) All meetings were held at the Holiday Inn, Portsmouth, NH.
10/6/2006: Dr. Bruce Small (contributing editor, General Dentistry)
"To Metal Or Not - Predictable Esthetic Restorative Debtistry".
11/2/2006: Dr. Dan De Tolla (private practice, Portsmouth, NH)
"Anterior Maxillary Implants - The Esthetic Considerations".
4/6/2007: Dr. Barry Freydberg (reviewer, Journal Of Contemporary Dental Practice)
"An Esthetic Digital Vision You Can Incorporate Today".
5/4/2007: Dr. Martin Goldstein (contributing editor, Dentistry Today)
"Comfort Zone Cosmetics".
2007/2008: (The first, second and fourth meetings of this season were held on Fridays for 8.0 CEUs each and the third meeting of this season was held on a Thursday evening for 3.0 CEUs.) All meetings were held at the Holiday Inn, Portsmouth, NH.
10/5/2007: Dr. Mark Peck (Dental Studio 101)
"Technology Expands Your Practice, Passion Explodes It"
11/2/2007: Dr. Ricardo Mitrani (private practice of prosthodontics - Mexico City, Mexico)
"An Interdisciplinary Approach To Osseointegrated Implants In The Aesthetic Zone"
4/3/2008: Dr. Nomith Ramdev (private practice of periodontics - Dover, NH)
"Periodontal Implications In Restorative Dentistry"
5/2/2008: Dr. John Cranham (visiting faculty - The Dawson Center)
"Building, Managing & Marketing A Cosmetic Restorative Practice"
2008/2009: (The first, second and fourth meetings of this season were held on Fridays for 8.0 CEUs each and the third meeting of this season was held on a Thursday evening for 3.0 CEUs.) All these meetings were held at the Holiday Inn, Portsmouth, NH. The Special meeting was held at the Sheraton Harborside Portsmouth for 13.0 CEUs
10/3/2008: Dr. Keith Progebin (private practice of prosthodontics - Washington, DC)
"A Predictable Stepwise Approach to Treatment planning: Implant Restorations from Simple to Complex"
11/7/2008: Dr. Robert Cowie (Fellow - Academy of General Dentistry)
"Preparations, Impressions and Temporaries: Materials and Techniques to Enhance Your Results"
4/2/2009: Dr. John Chiou (private practice of prosthodontics - Portsmouth, NH)
"Implant Treatment Options for the Edentulous Mandible"
5/1/2009: Dr. Marvin Fier (Fellow - American Society for Dental Aesthetics)
"Aesthetic & Restorative Dentistry Update"
6/5 & 6/6 2009 SPECIAL MEETING - Dr. Steve Ratcliff (immediate past chairman, department of education - The Pankey Institute for Advanced Dental Education) "The Pursuit of Clinical Excellence"
2009/2010: (The first, second and fourth meetings of this season were held on Fridays for 8.0 CEUs each and the third meeting of this season was held on a Thursday evening for 3.0 CEUs.) All meetings were held at the Holiday Inn, Portsmouth, NH.
10/2/09: Dr. James Downs (The Dr. Dick Barnes Group) "Simplified Full Arch esthetics With Gingival Considerations"
11/6/09: Dr. Gerard Chiche (Chairman, Department of Prosthodontics, Louisiana State University) "Recipes For Predictable Anterior Esthetics"
1/1/10: Dr. James Spivey (private practice of periodontics - Portsmouth, NH) And Dr. David Ness (private practice of general dentistry - Somerworth, NH)
"Interdisciplinary Treatment Planning: Principles, Sequence And Implementation"
5/7/10: Dr. David Hornbrook (Fellow Of The American Academy Of Cosmetic Dentistry)
"Beauty Is In The Eye Of The Beholder"
2010/2011: (The first, second and fourth meetings of this season were held on Fridays for 8.0 CEUs each and the third meeting of this season was held on a Thursday evening for 3.0 CEUs.) All meetings were held at the Holiday Inn, Portsmouth, NH.
10/1/10: Dr. Robert Margeas (Fellow of The Academy of General Dentistry)
"Everyday Dentistry - More Than Everyday Esthetic Results”
11/5/10: Dr. Lorin Berland (Fellow of The American Academy of Cosmetic Dentistry)
"Smile Design Along With Same Day Composite Inlays & Onlays"
4/7/11: Dr. Patrick Redmond (private practice of orthodontics -Rochester, NH)
"Maxillary Second Molar Replacement Therapy"
5/6/11: Dr. Robert Lowe (Diplomate, American Board of Aesthetic Dentistry)
"Predictable Techniques to Create Beautifully Esthetic and Functional Indirect Composite and Porcelain Restorations”
2011/2012 (The first, second and fourth meetings of this season were held on Fridays for 8.0 CEUs each and the third meeting of this season was held on a Thursday evening for 3.0 CEUs.) All meetings were held at the Holiday Inn, Portsmouth, NH.
10/7/11: Dr. Damon Adams (Editor-in-Chief, Dentistry Today)
"Excellence In Everyday Esthetics: Techno-Clinical Perspectives”
11/4/11: Dr. Gerard Chiche (Director, Medical College of Georgia - Center for Esthetic & Implant Dentistry)
"Esthetics: The Details That Matter"
4/5/12: Dr. Jay Nesvold (private practice of general dentistry -Portsmouth, NH)
"Esthetic Implant Supported Removable Prosthetics"
5/4/12: Dr. Richard Smith: (Associate Clinical Professor, Department of Prosthodontics & Implant Fellowship Program - Columbia University College of Dental Medicine)
"Implant Dentistry From Start To Finish: A Combined Surgical And Prosthetic Approach to Modern Esthetic Implant Reconstructions”
2012/2013 (The first, second and fourth meetings of this season were held on Fridays for 8.0 CEUs each and the third meeting of this season was held on a Thursday evening for 3.0 CEUs.) All meetings were held at the Holiday Inn, Portsmouth, NH.
10/5/12: Dr. Mariano Polack (private practice of prosthodontics - Gainesville VA)
"Maximizing Esthetics and Longevity In Implant Restorations”
11/2/12: Dr. Rodrigo Escalante (private practice—Acapulco, Mexico)
"The Esthetic Concept"
4/4/13: Dr. Rob Schumacher (private practice - Boston, MA)
"Implant Provisionalization: The Narrow Road to Implant Esthetics"
5/3/13: Dr. Georgios Romanos: (diplomate—American Board of Periodontology)
"Immediate Loading of Implants and State of the Art of Regenerative Procedures in Dentistry”
2013/2014 (The first, second and fourth meetings of this season were held on Fridays for 8.0 CEUs each and the third meeting of this season was held on a Thursday evening for 3.0 CEUs.) All meetings were held at the Holiday Inn, Portsmouth, NH.
19/4/13: Dr. Corky Wilhite (fellow — American Academy of Cosmetic Dentistry) "Transitional Bonding: Non-Traditional Composite Resorations for Major Occlusal & Esthetic Changes”
11/1/2013: Dr. Stephen Poss (clinical director — Exceptional Practices) "Anterior & Posterior Aesthetic Restorations"
4/3/2014: Dr. Cary Feuerman (former adjunct professor —Boston University School of Dental Medicine) "Maximizing Implant
Outcomes in The Esthetic Zone"
5/2/2014: Dr. John Nosti: (clinical director — Clinical Mastery Series) "Predictable Full Mouth Rehabilitation”
2014/2015 (The first, second, fourth and fifth meetings of this season were held on Fridays for 8.0 CEUs each and the third meeting of this season was held on a Thursday evening for 3.0 CEUs.) All meetings were held at the Holiday Inn, Portsmouth, NH.
10/3/2014 Dr. David Little (Adjunct Clinical Professor - The University of Texas Health Science Center at San Antonio) "Implant Dentistry - Enhancing Diagnosis, Case Acceptance, and Restorative Outcomes Using the Latest Technology"
11/7/2014 Mr. David Avery (Director of Professional Services at Drake Dental Laboratory) “The Wide, Wide World of Digital Dental Implant Technology: The Astonishing Capabilities and Their Impact on the Optimization of Patient Care"
4/2/2015 Dr. Marty Zase (Master in The Academy of General Dentistry) "Zero Sensitivity Tooth Whitening"
5/1/2015 Dr. Barry Goldenberg (American College of Prosthodontists) “The Conical Connection: Its Influence in Obtaining Consistent Results Preserving Soft and Hard Tissue for The Partially and Fully Edentulous Patient”
6/5/2015 Dr. Dietmar Weng (Visiting Scholar in the Department of Prosthodontics at the university of Kiel, Germany) "Clinical Concepts in Implant Dentistry Based on Scientific Knowledge - Platform Switching, Socket Healing And Immediate Implant Placement Revisited"
2015/2016 (The first, second and fourth meetings of this season were held on Fridays for 8.0 CEUs each and the third meeting of this season was held on a Thursday evening for 3.0 CEUs.) All meetings were held at the Holiday Inn, Portsmouth, NH.
10/2/2015 Dr. Glenn Krieger (Fellow of the Academy of General Dentistry) "Photography Basics to Change Your Practice Right Now"
11/6/2015 Dr. Gary Radz (Assistant Clinical Professor - Colorado School of Dentistry) "Creating A Cosmetic Practice Within Your General Practice"
4/7/2016 Dr. Bart Blaeser (Fellow - American Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons) "The Functional, Surgical and Esthetic Benefits of Immediate Molar Implant Placement"
5/6/2016 Dr. Michael Melkers (Visiting Faculty - Spear Institute) "Nuts & Bolts Treatment Planning - The Triad of Success"
6/10/2016 Dr. Paul Weigl (Director of Preclinical Studies in the Department of Prosthodontics - Johann Wolfgang Goethe University, Frankfurt am Mein, Germany) "Brilliant Pink Esthetics and Immediate Restorations - Paradigm Shifts to Minimally Invasive Surgical and Prosthetic Interventions with an Appropriate Implant Design"
2016/2017 (The first, second and fourth meetings of this season were held on Fridays for 8.0 CEUs each and the third meeting of this season was held on a Thursday evening for 3.0 CEUs.) All meetings were held at the Holiday Inn, Portsmouth, NH.
10/7/2016 Dr. Georgios Romanos (Professor of Periodontology at The Stony Brook University School of Dental Medicine) "Advances and Innovations in Ridge Augmentations: Aesthetics and Clinical Considerations"
111/4/2016 Dr. Martin Zase (Master in The Academy of General Dentistry) "Cosmetic Pearls for the General Practitioner"
4/6/2017 Dr. Jose Hoyo (Fellow - International Congress of Oral Implantologists) "Predictability in Dentistry and Understanding Implant Designs"
5/5/2017 Dr. Jason Olitsky (Directore of Aesthetics and Photography - Clinical Mastery Series) "Smile Design - Clinical and Portrait Photography"
2017/2018 The first, second and fourth meetings of this season were held on Fridays for 8.0 CEUs each and the third meeting of this season was held on a Thursday evening for 3.0 CEUs.) All meetings were held at the Holiday Inn, Portsmouth, NH.
10/6/2017 Dr. Jeffrey Hoos (Fellow - American Academy of Facial Aesthetics) "Occlusion and Beauty: Dental Esthetics Made Easy"
111/3/2017 Dr. Edward Gardner (Member - The Academy of General Dentistry) "The Invisaligh ClinCheck: Begin With The End In Mind"
4/5/2018 Drs. Amy and David Rosania (Private Practice of Periodontics - Portsmouth, NH) "Soft and Hard Tissue Augmentation Around Teeth and Implants"
5/11/2018 Dr. Damon Adams (Editor in Chief - Dentistry Today) "Trends, Innovations, Controversies and Clinical Tips"
2018/2019 (The first, second and fourth meetings of this season were held on Fridays for 8.0 CEUs each and the third meeting of this season was held on a Thursday evening for 3.0 CEUs.) All meetings were held at the Holiday Inn, Portsmouth, NH.
10/6/2018 Dr. Gary Radz (Assistant Clinical Professor - University of Colorado School of Dentistry) "Esthetic Essentials for Today's General Dentist"
111/4/2018 Dr. Robert Lowe (Fellow - American Society for Dental Aesthetics) "Practical Excellence in Restorative Dentistry: Integrating Modern Technologies and Proven techniques for Quality Results"
4/4/2019 Dr. James Spivey (Private Practice of Periodontics - Portsmouth, NH) "Choosing a Dental Implant System"
5/13/2019 Dr. Marvin Fier (Fellow - American Society for Dental Aesthetics) "Predictable, Profitable Restorative and Aesthetic Procedures"
2019/2020 (The first and second meetings of this season (abbreviated due to the Covid pandemic) were held on Fridays for 8.0 CEUs each. Both meetings were held at the Holiday Inn, Portsmouth, NH.
10/4/2019 Dr. Adam Hamilton (Director of the Division of Regenerative and Implant Sciences - Harvard School of Dental Medicine) "Implant dentistry in The Digital Age"
11/1/2019 Dr. Gary Alex (Member - American Academy of Cosmetic Dentistry) "The Marriage of Esthetics, Occlusion, and Comprehensive Dentistry"
2020/2021 (second, third, fifth and sixth meetings of this season were held on Fridays for 8.0 CEUs each and the first and fourth meetings of this season wer3e held on a Thursday evening for 3.0 CEUs.) All meetings were held at the Holiday Inn, Portsmouth, NH.
9/3/2020 Dr. Gregory Baker (Harvard Society for the Advancement of Orthodontics) "Push or Pull in Orthodontics"
10/2/2020 Dr. David Mazza (Board Certified Diplomate - American Board of Dental Aesthetics) "Implementation of Aesthetic Dentistry"
10/30/2020 Dr. Joyce Bassett (Fellow - American Academy of Cosmetic Dentistry) "Cutting Edge Technology with Digital Design and Real World Cosmetic Dentistry; Faults, Failures, and Fixes"
4/1/2021 Dr. David Pak (private practice of oral and maxillofacial surgery - Rochester, NH) "Explorations in Implant Dentistry"
5/7/2021 Dr. Paul Chang (dually board certified - periodontics and prosthodontics) "Lasers in Dentistry "
6/4/2021 Dr. Daniel Ward (Fellow - American Society for Dental Aesthetics) "Using the 3P’s of Digital Smile Design: Photography, Proportions and Personality to create Predictably Pleasing Smiles"
2021/2022 The first, second and fourth meetings of this season were held on Fridays for 8.0 CEUs each and the third meeting of this season was held on a Thursday evening for 3.0 CEUs.
10/8/21 Dr. Robert Schroering (Board Certified - American Academy of Implant Dentistry) "Immediate loading and Immediate functioning for single teeth and full arch restorations"
11/5/21 Dr. Miles Cone (Private practice of prosthodontics – Portland, ME) “Implant Assisted Prosthodontics: Fixed and Removable”
4/7/22 Mr. Casey Hiers (Four Quadrants Dental Advisory) “A Practice Owner's Guide To The Business Side Of Dentistry.”
5/6/22 Dr. Todd Sheffler (Private practice – Concord, NH) “The Importance of Technology Integration in Building a Successful Aesthetic Practice”
2022/23 The first, second and fourth meetings of this season were held on Fridays for 8.0 CEUs each and the third meeting of this season was held on a Thursday evening for 3.0 CEUs.
10/7/22 Dr. Thomas Dudney (Member - American Society for Dental Aesthetics) "To Smile or Not to Smile: Truly Understanding Smile Design Principles is so Important to You and Your Patients"
11/4/22 Dr. Hugh Flax (Past President - American Academy of Cosmetic Dentistry) "Designing Smiles Can Be Fun, Predictable and Contemporary: Cosmetic Dentistry in the 21st Century"
4/6/23 Dr. Zachary Schonfield (Private Practice of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery - Dover, NH) "Esthetics in implants, the benefits of immediate implants"
5/3/23 Dr. Robert Schroering (Board Certified - American Academy of Implant Dentistry) "Prosthetics for the All on 4 and Other Immediate Load Applications"
2023/24 The first, second and fourth meetings of this season were held on Fridays for 8.0 CEUs each and the third meeting of this season was held on a Thursday evening for 3.0 CEUs.
10/6/23 Dr. Todd Snyder (Fellow of The American Academy of Cosmetic Dentistry) "Aesthetics & Occlusion"
11/3/23 Mr. David Avery, CDT ((Dental Laboratory Technology Editor - Journal of Esthetic and Restorative Dentistry) "Definitive Restorations Digitally Fabricated in the Clinical Environment, Workflows and Technology That Make Almost Anything Possible"
4/4/24 Dr. Nomith Ramdev (Private Practice of Periodontics - Dover, NH) "Optimizing Anterior Esthetics Around Dental Implants"
5/3/24 Dr. Susan McMahon (Fellow - American Society for Dental Aesthetics) "A New Generation for Cosmetic Dentistry: Delivering the Selfie Ready Smile"
2024/25 The first, third and fourth meetings of this season were held on Fridays for 8.0 CEUs each and the second meeting of this season was held on a Thursday evening for 3.0 CEUs.
11/1/24 Dr. Troy Schmedding (Member - American Academy of Cosmetic Dentistry) "Cosmetics - Porcelain to Composite"